Enjoy the escapism of fresh uplifting fiction
Stella Perrott

Dear {name},


on the wings of a King Parrott and Sacred Kingfisher!

A KING PARROT - My granddaughter Feeding the birds
Sacred Kingfisher - coastal Regions of mainland Australia

Photos compliments of my Son-in-law

Pre-Orders Now Available!

They're almost here ... 

Both of my Young Adult books are being released on the 2nd of February 2024!

And you can now pre-order them in print!

My young adult books capture the adventure, joy, and humour of having animals in your life.

Enjoy the escapism of fresh uplifting fiction!

Finding Freeway
Released 2nd February 2024
Released 2nd February 2024
Returning from a horse show Lizzy and her parents rescue a little dog running along the Freeway. They adopt him and call him, Freeway. Where has he come from? where is he going? Freeway is loving, courageous, independent and mischievous. One night he disappears and returns the following day with an expensive gift. An exciting story full of action, mystery and suspense.
Finding Freeway
Finding Magic
Released 2nd February 2024
Released 2nd February 2024
Magic waits alone and neglected. He knows nothing of the tragedy that has befallen the Dixon family. His ears prick up when he hears Lizzy’s voice. She names him Magic, then sets out to find his owner and discover why he has been forgotten. Lizzy and Magic form a bond, but not everyone is happy with this arrangement. Together they face challenges adventure and adversity.
Finding Magic
And Two Make Four!

Three years ago I didn't have any books published. In a month you'll have a choice of four to read!

I'm excited about my young adult books, but it still gives me a thrill to know my first two novels are still selling.

It's not too late to buy a copy! Available in paperback and ebook: Driving Mister Crazy and The Sky Is Bluer.

Here are some books and short stories that may interest you!

Mysteries, romance, fantasy, even a cat detective! Or should that be a cat's detective? Something for everyone.

The Happy Cat's Detective

by Alex Mahon

Cristina Solans returns home to Spain after volunteering with a wildlife rescue in Canada. Her veterinary tech job awaits her but she already misses the almost boyfriend she left behind.

Her mother has joined a group of friends in a new adventure: cat rescue. This brings about a host of opportunities for various escapades as they start a refuge out in the country.

Who would have expected a stolen cat and a missing necklace would turn Cristina into a detective? She sure didn't...

In case the link doesn’t work: https://storyoriginapp.com/swaps/45874b7a-ad5c-11ee-9f21-4368e625aaae

Celebrating Love

Get these books fast! This promotion ends December 16th!

In case the link above doesn't work: https://storyoriginapp.com/to/1qSm4x3

Not Without My Girls:

An All-Genre Giveaway for Stories with Strong Female Friendships

Get these books fast! This promotion ends January 20th!

In case the link above doesn't work: https://storyoriginapp.com/to/6JnHopH

You Want Me to Do What?

An All-Genre Book Fair for Stories with Unusual Jobs

Get these books fast! This promotion ends February 1st!

In case the link above doesn't work: https://storyoriginapp.com/to/tNqAjWF

It's a Christmas Mystery!

Get these books fast! This promotion ends January 21st!

In case the link above doesn't work: https://storyoriginapp.com/to/jtitkgz

The tales we tell, for free

Get these books fast! This promotion ends January 26th!

In case the link above doesn't work: https://storyoriginapp.com/to/vns1G4j

Stella Perrott's Free Giveaways

I've still got my free short stories available to read - have a look to see if there's any you've missed.


ROMANCE NOVELS = free for review

All books in this collection are available as review copies - get them free and then write a review. Get these books fast! This promotion ends February 16th!

In case the link above doesn't work: https://storyoriginapp.com/to/qdFI8dQ

I continue to be grateful for all the reviews you've been writing for my books. You can still apply to access free review copies if you haven't already written your own.

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Stella Perrott - Author
Carina, Brisbane, Australia